New book helps those grieving the loss of a pet

This is our first Christmas without Max. We were married in May 2012, and rescued Max, a year-old German shepherd mix, the end of August that same year. There was never a holiday season without celebrating with that fun, sweet guy. Until now. He made every day special, but there’s something about Christmastime that deepens the bonds we have with our loved ones, and that includes our pets. When that connection is severed due to loss, the holidays become a bittersweet time. As we try to be thankful for who we still have with us, our hearts face an ongoing battle of wanting to cherish the memories, yet not wanting to face them because of the sadness they bring. That’s how I feel this Christmas.

If you feel this way because you recently lost a beloved pet, I can honestly say I understand (see the Feb. 1 blog from this year). In fact, I wrote a book about it. When You Lose Your Best Friend: God’s Word for Grieving Pet Owners is launched this week, and its release couldn’t be, in my opinion, at a better time.

If you or someone you know is grieving the loss of their pet this season, please consider picking up this book. My broken heart led me to write this book, and it is my prayer that other broken hearts like yours, or a family member, or friend - or even a struggling stranger you encounter - can be mended with the help of the truth and encouragement and hope found in its pages.

Simply said, this book recognizes and validates the grief of losing a beloved pet, offers advice and encouragement, and centers on the Word of God – Scripture that shows us that God cares for His creatures, and that means you as well as your pet. As each chapter explores different stages of grief, and includes some personal stories, my desire is that the Scriptural truths found throughout speak hope to hurting hearts everywhere, and that the prayers that end each chapter will connect struggling souls with their Creator. For it is only in Him that all life exists. And it is only through Him that death has been defeated and all who trust in Jesus Christ can look forward to eternity and the restoration and the joy, beyond our wildest imaginations, that is waiting there.

For more information or to order an autographed copy of the book, please visit the Extra Second Inc. store. The book is also available from Amazon in Kindle and paperback formats.

Merry Christmas, and may the Lord bless you richly with His grace and peace!


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