Living in childlike wonder

Every Christmas season reminds me of the fond memories of childhood. I and my siblings are so blessed to have godly parents who made (and continue to make) loving sacrifices to make home and all of our holiday celebrations so special.

But then each ringing in of a new year, especially the older I get, reminds me that those childhood years of security and wonder are getting pushed further and further into the past. All of the responsibilities and often all-too-painful realities of aging and adulthood make me long for simpler times. I often wish the clock would just stand still for a little while. Time just seems far too intent on mercilessly marching on.

Perhaps I think too deeply about things. And perhaps I focus too much on the negative. But whether we focus on it or not, the reality is that we will not live this life forever. We’re all heading to an inevitable end of these temporary bodies. Our aging eyes may slowly be failing physically, but spiritually they see more and more clearly that this is all going to end. No one has won the battle against time or death.

Well, that is no one except God Himself, who stands outside of them both. And graciously, He has provided for us a way to stand there with Him one day. He has invited us to experience again the childlike wonder of never-ending joy and security that will no longer be threatened by aging and inevitable death.

The Lord Jesus Christ entered this world of space and time to take on the curse of sin, to make a way for all to be redeemed from its hold, and to overcome death by resurrecting from the dead. He is the way, truth, and life (John 14:6). Whoever believes in Him will not die, but will have everlasting life (John 3:16).

All of the sad things we experience now – health battles, loss, mental, emotional and spiritual struggles of all kinds – will one day be obliterated. I imagine life with Christ, in the presence of our great God, to be like a continual Christmas morning. And the moment I arrive there to be like the greatest new year’s celebration to ever be experienced.

I am thankful that all we experience in this world is not all there is. How pitiful for us if it is. Because of what I know I have to look forward to, I welcome 2023 with open arms. While I want to live this earthly life fulfilling all the work that God gives me to do, I also know that each moment lived here brings be closer to that day when I will be with Him for eternity. It is in that hope that my childlike wonder remains alive and well.


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