
“Round and round I go, never stopping in a continuous flow. I hang out with numbers each and every day and nothing ever gets in my way. What am I?” 

Answer: The hands of a clock! 

It’s true, isn’t it, that time stops for nothing and no one. For those of us with such busy schedules that there never seems to be enough hours in the day, that can be a stressful fact. We can at times become overwhelmed and want to give up. But God’s Word instructs us in a better way. 

In Ephesians 5:15-16, we are told to walk carefully and to redeem the time, or make the most of every opportunity. We are to keep front and center the purpose and mission of our lives, and not be distracted by the worldly temptations all around us that will undoubtedly lead us into a state of confusion and frustration. When we are focused on the main task at hand, we move in the strength, and rest, of God’s grace and direction. 

Just before Jesus ascended to heaven, he gave a commission to his disciples, and by extension, to all who have been his followers since: “…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20a). As followers of Christ, we must avoid the distractions that cause us to put our time and energy on things that are quickly fading away. Our lives here on earth are temporary. So instead, our focus must be on sharing the pure gospel of Jesus Christ in every corner of this globe, through both word and deed.  Our lives are to be lived in obedience to all God has commanded us - lives of surrender to Him, and lived for His glory alone. 

Extra Second Inc. exists to encourage and assist people to redeem the time in their lives, to work with a focused heart to fulfill the calling that our loving Creator, God, has given to all of us. We have limited time, so it’s a job that requires our full effort and attention. We will strive to provide Bible-based encouragement for the journey through this weekly Monday blog. Your comments are welcomed!

I encourage you to visit the store to peruse books that contain wonderful examples and challenges of how to live life dedicated to the Lord and his perfect plan. Gift yourself or a loved one with these entertaining accounts and inspirational messages.

(riddle retrieved from www.getriddles.com)


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